06 February 2007
No Excuses
Hello Everyone, It has been a long week!!! Not only am I experiencing personnel hell at work we have been putting down carpet in three rooms at the same time. Last night was the first night since Friday that I slept in my room. I have consistently been up at 2 am for 5 days straight, something I haven't done since I was in college. Today I am fighting off sleep at work and found myself nodding off at 8:45 - arrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Anyway I have been saving some things to post, it's hard to surf while sleeping....
This winter has been very dry and cold, but I was still surprised when I saw this article about a frozen 8-foot boa constrictor .

The snake was stretched out when found near a bike path along the Great Miami River in southwest Ohio.
I also read several articles about tunnels under the U.S. and Mexico borders.

Many of the tunnels had been discovered almost a year ago but there is evidence that they are still being used.

I have several great images for todays post. The first is called 'Pole in Field'.

The next set if pics are from 'The Visual Journey' by Marc Adamus.

Adamus is a professional landscape photographer based in Corvallis Oregon. His photographs have been published extensively worldwide in a large variety of media such as calendars, magazines, books, ect. His recent work has appeared in Outdoor Photographer, Digital Photo, Popular Photography, Unique Image, Digital Photo Pro and Photo Media magazines.

Marc has been honored with several international awards for photographic excellence. Marc generally spends much of his year traveling and shooting various projects around the Western US. and Northwest specifically.

I was excited when I saw the headline for the next site I visited. '16 Mind-Blowing Microphotographs of Living Things'.

[proboscis housefly]
I have to admit my mind wasn't really blown. Of the 16 pics there are only a few worth seeing.

Here's another great picture from flickr that made me smile called 'Caught'.

I found another great example of gorilla advertising.

I think this would catch my attention, don't you?

Monster Trucks are HERE!
That's all for today.
Anyway I have been saving some things to post, it's hard to surf while sleeping....
This winter has been very dry and cold, but I was still surprised when I saw this article about a frozen 8-foot boa constrictor .

The snake was stretched out when found near a bike path along the Great Miami River in southwest Ohio.
I also read several articles about tunnels under the U.S. and Mexico borders.

Many of the tunnels had been discovered almost a year ago but there is evidence that they are still being used.

I have several great images for todays post. The first is called 'Pole in Field'.

The next set if pics are from 'The Visual Journey' by Marc Adamus.

Adamus is a professional landscape photographer based in Corvallis Oregon. His photographs have been published extensively worldwide in a large variety of media such as calendars, magazines, books, ect. His recent work has appeared in Outdoor Photographer, Digital Photo, Popular Photography, Unique Image, Digital Photo Pro and Photo Media magazines.

Marc has been honored with several international awards for photographic excellence. Marc generally spends much of his year traveling and shooting various projects around the Western US. and Northwest specifically.

I was excited when I saw the headline for the next site I visited. '16 Mind-Blowing Microphotographs of Living Things'.

[proboscis housefly]
I have to admit my mind wasn't really blown. Of the 16 pics there are only a few worth seeing.

Here's another great picture from flickr that made me smile called 'Caught'.

I found another great example of gorilla advertising.

I think this would catch my attention, don't you?

Monster Trucks are HERE!
That's all for today.
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