14 November 2006
Pictures, Coaches, Changes
Hello all, thanks for stopping in. I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while. Things seem to be getting better in my life. I actually may be at the point I can start blogging everyday again.
Surfs Up....
I found this great photo of 'Plitvicka Waterfalls'.

They are so beautiful I looked them up on Wikipedia to find out where they are.

It turns out they are in Croatia

The lakes are renowned for their distinctive colours, ranging from azure to green, grey or blue. The colours change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight.
I may consider traveling to this Croatian National Park someday.
I found that the above photo was taken by a photographer named Jack Brauer. I found his photo gallery called 'Mountain Photography by Jack Brauer'.

In his collection he has a set in Utah. This is called 'Needles Cloud Burst'. It was taken in Cayonlands National Park.

This is a great picture of the Salt Lake valley at sunset.

This beautiful picture is called Timpanogos Sage. This view of Mount Timpanogos is taken from the backside by Deer Creek Reservoir. I grew up looking at this mountain and my High School took its name after this spectacular view.

I had to include this great shot called 'Needles Star Trails'. Shown by a 10 hour exposure during new moon night in Canyonlands National Park.
As you can see Jack is a talented Photographer. But for a real wow check out his panoramas.

At a recent football game Ogden High School head football coach Dennis Dalton and his family came under fire from parents and students of the school. Dalton had his family on the field helping to control the game and parents hurled insults to Dalton's wife and daughter. This caps many years of frustrations from parents, students and coaches of the horrible record including the second consecutive no-win season. During the game one of the mothers called Dalton on his cell phone and screamed at him to call a passing play.
I think this is madness. Earlier in the season, Ogden's Starting quarterback was injured in a rollover accident after prom where the driver of the vehicle was killed. The previous Coach left in haste to a job in Southern Utah plunging a dagger into the heart of an already dead program.
Some parents argue that Dalton is not managing the team because he has 'hired' his two sons to coach the freshman and sophomore class teams. The largest criticism is aimed at his daughter Wanda, a student at Ogden, who Dalton uses as the strength and conditioning coach. Parents also say the criticism of Dalton's wife Debbie came from her telling injured players they could not come on the field to support the team and must sit in the stands.
Whatever the situation, Ogden needs this football program to rise from the ashes. I consider Dennis Dalton as a friend. He and his family live in my ward. I think the issue here is that the Dalton's are not from Ogden. They don't understand what parents are used to getting when they apply pressure to the schools. They are simple folk, that may be a little peculiar, but Dennis has his heart and mind in the right place. District officials said in the paper that Dalton's policies on academics and grades are impressive and a benefit to the players and school.
I think the Parents need to approach the problem from a different angle. There is the saying 'Money talks and B^!! S#!+ walks'. Break out your wallets people. Give Dennis some tools to work with. Put pressure on the district to fund the program. Get your companies to sponsor the program. Get your neighbors lazy kids to play for the program. Give Dalton time to create a program.
You are trying to chase off one of the only guys that will take on this challenge. When you are scraping the bottom and come up with a pearl you don't throw it away because you have to put it in a setting and polish it before it can be worn.

Check out 'Create Fake Photo'.
That's all for today.
Surfs Up....
I found this great photo of 'Plitvicka Waterfalls'.

They are so beautiful I looked them up on Wikipedia to find out where they are.

It turns out they are in Croatia

The lakes are renowned for their distinctive colours, ranging from azure to green, grey or blue. The colours change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight.
I may consider traveling to this Croatian National Park someday.
I found that the above photo was taken by a photographer named Jack Brauer. I found his photo gallery called 'Mountain Photography by Jack Brauer'.

In his collection he has a set in Utah. This is called 'Needles Cloud Burst'. It was taken in Cayonlands National Park.

This is a great picture of the Salt Lake valley at sunset.

This beautiful picture is called Timpanogos Sage. This view of Mount Timpanogos is taken from the backside by Deer Creek Reservoir. I grew up looking at this mountain and my High School took its name after this spectacular view.

I had to include this great shot called 'Needles Star Trails'. Shown by a 10 hour exposure during new moon night in Canyonlands National Park.
As you can see Jack is a talented Photographer. But for a real wow check out his panoramas.

At a recent football game Ogden High School head football coach Dennis Dalton and his family came under fire from parents and students of the school. Dalton had his family on the field helping to control the game and parents hurled insults to Dalton's wife and daughter. This caps many years of frustrations from parents, students and coaches of the horrible record including the second consecutive no-win season. During the game one of the mothers called Dalton on his cell phone and screamed at him to call a passing play.
I think this is madness. Earlier in the season, Ogden's Starting quarterback was injured in a rollover accident after prom where the driver of the vehicle was killed. The previous Coach left in haste to a job in Southern Utah plunging a dagger into the heart of an already dead program.
Some parents argue that Dalton is not managing the team because he has 'hired' his two sons to coach the freshman and sophomore class teams. The largest criticism is aimed at his daughter Wanda, a student at Ogden, who Dalton uses as the strength and conditioning coach. Parents also say the criticism of Dalton's wife Debbie came from her telling injured players they could not come on the field to support the team and must sit in the stands.
Whatever the situation, Ogden needs this football program to rise from the ashes. I consider Dennis Dalton as a friend. He and his family live in my ward. I think the issue here is that the Dalton's are not from Ogden. They don't understand what parents are used to getting when they apply pressure to the schools. They are simple folk, that may be a little peculiar, but Dennis has his heart and mind in the right place. District officials said in the paper that Dalton's policies on academics and grades are impressive and a benefit to the players and school.
I think the Parents need to approach the problem from a different angle. There is the saying 'Money talks and B^!! S#!+ walks'. Break out your wallets people. Give Dennis some tools to work with. Put pressure on the district to fund the program. Get your companies to sponsor the program. Get your neighbors lazy kids to play for the program. Give Dalton time to create a program.
You are trying to chase off one of the only guys that will take on this challenge. When you are scraping the bottom and come up with a pearl you don't throw it away because you have to put it in a setting and polish it before it can be worn.

Check out 'Create Fake Photo'.
That's all for today.
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