29 November 2006
Birth - School - Work - Death
Hello to everyone who visits this small speck of the web. I have been thinking a lot about what this blog is about. Basically it's about things I like. To some it may seem to broad of a topic and to others to little. I have tried to remain consistent. I have been thinking about branching out with my blogger account and splitting up my posts into separate blogs. [I would love any input about this.] I found a site that is linking to me that has me listed as a photoblog. How flattering, considering I have only posted one of my own pictures once in 92 blogs!!! I'm me, I guess I have to get used to how that feels [?!?].
I am still feeling the euphoria from THE Football game. But I did a little surfing and I think I have a great blog for you today....
I have been visiting the Zenith9 photoblog for some time. I can't remember where I picked up the link but I think this is the first image I have posted from this site.

[Doubler Stones]
I love these landscapes and how they show a different view of the world we share.

[Little Pock Stones]
You have to have a gift to make the ordinary extraordinary.

I suggest you spend some time checking out the photography there.
Sometimes I feel like I have to defend the fact that I like the idea of space travel, both real and imagined. Today I came across this list of 'The Top 10 Movie Spaceships' and thought I would check it out.
Here are the top ten:
10. The Thunder Road (Explorers)
9. Gunstar (The Last Starfighter)
8. Mothership (Independence Day)
7. Klingon Bird of Prey (Star Trek series)
6. Discovery One (2001: A Space Odyssey)
5. Apollo 13 (Apollo 13)
4. Heart of Gold (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
3. Nostromo (Alien)
2. U.S.S. Enterprise [ALL] (Star Trek series)
1. Millennium Falcon (Star Wars series)

Well at least they got #1 correct!!
They has been much to do about Chuck Norris lately. I'm not sure what the 'cool factor' there is but I have to admit enjoying some of the fan-fair. I think I enjoyed the Conan skits the very best.

Today I came across the 'Chuck Norris Random Fact Generator'. Here is a sample, "Before Chuck Norris was born, the martial arts weapons with two pieces of wood connected by a chain were called NunBarrys. No one ever did find out what happened to Barry."
I know, I know, I can't believe I blogged about him either. Who would have thought? But then again I have also blogged about Rowdy Roddy Piper.
Maybe I am weird, but I thought I would post this list of 'The 100 Greatest TV Quotes & Catch Phrases' I saw on Yahoo News.
Here are some of my favorites in alphabetical order:
"Aaay" (Fonzie, "Happy Days")
"D'oh!" (Homer Simpson, "The Simpsons")
"Good grief" (Charlie Brown, "Peanuts" specials)
"Holy (whatever), Batman!" (Robin, "Batman")
"I'm Larry, this is my brother Darryl ..." (Larry, "Newhart")

"Live long and prosper" (Spock, "Star Trek")
"Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! (Jan Brady, "The Brady Bunch")
"One small step for man ..." (Neil Armstrong)
"Space, the final frontier ..." (Capt. Kirk, "Star Trek")
"The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat" (Jim McKay, "ABC's Wide World of Sports")
"The truth is out there" (Fox Mulder, "The X-Files")
"Well, isn't that special?" (Dana Carvey as the Church Lady, "Saturday Night Live")
"Where's the beef?" (Wendy's ad)
"Yabba dabba do!" (Fred Flintstone, "The Flintstones")
"Yada, yada, yada" ("Seinfeld")
Did I miss one? If I did let me know!!
Here is another classic photograph from the Mute photoblog called 'Arcade'.

This reminds me of Polk Ave. near my home.
With the release of the new Bond movie I'm surprised that a list like this has not popped up before. Anyhoo here is 'The Best Bond Action Sequences Ever'.
#9 Moonraker: In this awesome opening sequence to the otherwise lackluster Moonraker, 007 is thrown out of a crashing plane, sky-dives in pursuit of a bad guy and then strips the dude of his parachute before finally engaging in some midair combat with ultimate Bond henchman Jaws.
#8 Diamonds Are Forever: In Sean Connery's final official outing as the British super spy, the aging Scotsman and his redhead gal are in Vegas and on the run from Johnny Law.
#7 Octopussy: Bond impersonates a Cuban military official in order to sabotage some high-tech gizmo but gets caught in the process.
#6 The Living Daylights: Along with totally smokin' babe Maryam d'Abo, new Bond Timothy Dalton uses his rocket-propelled Aston Martin to outrun a slew of police cars on a frozen Czechoslovakian lake.
#5 You Only Live Twice: Equipped with a combat-ready mini-copter, Connery scopes out mega-villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld's famed hollowed-out volcano lair, only to be attacked by a fleet of henchmen-piloted choppers.
#4 For Your Eyes Only: Much like the upcoming Casino Royale, For Your Eyes Only marked a return to reality for the Bond series. In this clip, Roger Moore skis through the Italian Alps, escaping two machinegun-wielding bad guys on motorbikes.
#3 On Her Majesty's Secret Service: In his only outing as Bond, George Lazenby ambushes arch-nemesis Ernst Stavro Blofeld in his Swiss mountaintop lair, then chases the megalomaniac in a dizzying bobsled pursuit. #2 Live and Let Die: Though Live and Let Die isn't the best Bond flick, it did provide a rocking title song and this legendary crocodile run. Trapped on a raft in the middle of a croc-infested Louisiana swamp, 007 escapes to safety by running over the backs of a few hungry reptiles.
#1 The Spy Who Loved Me: Holed up in a chalet in the Austrian Alps, Bond gets his freaky deaky groove on with some double-crossing blond, then straps on a pair of skis, escapes a crew of Russian agents and finally base jumps off the biggest damn cliff we've ever seen.
I think this list is upside down but leave it to Stuff Magazine to pick a #1 that begins with Bond in bed.
This image has been around since 1983 but I first saw it today. I thought it was cool so here it is.

Pahoeoe Fountain
In the last 90+ blogs I have taken some liberty at memorializing some of the people who have influenced me with or without them knowing it. Today I would like to memorialize someone who I did not know until he died.
I was reading this article, X-Men illustrator dies in Superman pajamas, and learned that the guy who illustrated the X-Men comics during my youth, Dave Cockrum, died yesterday.

[November 11, 1943 - November 26, 2006]
The article summed it up when it said, "The 63-year-old overhauled the X-Men comic and helped popularize the relatively obscure Marvel Comics in the 1970s. He helped turn the title into a publishing sensation and major film franchise."

[This is a panel from a comic where Dave created his self portrait.]
Thanks for everything Dave.
With Christmas rapidly approaching I thought I could start sharing Christmas related items. I hope that isn't to far off topic. Anyhow, Check out this little goody I saw at 'Hammacher Schlemmer'.

As big of a fan I am I don't think I would want one of these cracking my nuts.
Billy Idol does 'White Christmas'.
Don't say I never gave you anything! I blogged about how we were trying to catch up on Lost before the season three premier. We decided that renting from RedBox would save us a lot of money over Hollywood Video. So we tried it and we really like it. I don't think we have been to Hollywood since Summer.
Why am I telling you this? No, it's not because I work for RedBox. Just before Halloween we rented a video for the kids to watch while we traveled to Provo for our family Halloween party. When we got back we had a Trunk-or-Treat at the church. One of my friends offered to return the video if I would help him move a couch into his house that night.
Last week I got an email that said the DVD had never been returned and they charged me 25.56 for the experience. I talked to my friend and they said they had returned it. So I called RedBox and without argument they refunded my money. [Now that's customer service!!] I had to get onto the RedBox website to find the phone number and I came across this page that offered a free nights rental.

This is not the first time I have received a free night rental from them either. The first time I went to use RedBox a guy who had just rented a DVD told me that if I use the word 'Apple' I would get a free night. He was right. The email I just received gave me a different password 'Breakroom'.
I love RedBox you should try them out!
I came across this game called 'Infinite Mario'.

I haven't found the end so I don't know if it is really Infinite or not :)
If you haven't seen it yet, here is the newest teaser poster for 'Spiderman 3'.

That's all for today!
I am still feeling the euphoria from THE Football game. But I did a little surfing and I think I have a great blog for you today....
I have been visiting the Zenith9 photoblog for some time. I can't remember where I picked up the link but I think this is the first image I have posted from this site.

[Doubler Stones]
I love these landscapes and how they show a different view of the world we share.

[Little Pock Stones]
You have to have a gift to make the ordinary extraordinary.

I suggest you spend some time checking out the photography there.
Sometimes I feel like I have to defend the fact that I like the idea of space travel, both real and imagined. Today I came across this list of 'The Top 10 Movie Spaceships' and thought I would check it out.
Here are the top ten:
10. The Thunder Road (Explorers)
9. Gunstar (The Last Starfighter)
8. Mothership (Independence Day)
7. Klingon Bird of Prey (Star Trek series)
6. Discovery One (2001: A Space Odyssey)
5. Apollo 13 (Apollo 13)
4. Heart of Gold (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
3. Nostromo (Alien)
2. U.S.S. Enterprise [ALL] (Star Trek series)
1. Millennium Falcon (Star Wars series)

Well at least they got #1 correct!!
They has been much to do about Chuck Norris lately. I'm not sure what the 'cool factor' there is but I have to admit enjoying some of the fan-fair. I think I enjoyed the Conan skits the very best.

Today I came across the 'Chuck Norris Random Fact Generator'. Here is a sample, "Before Chuck Norris was born, the martial arts weapons with two pieces of wood connected by a chain were called NunBarrys. No one ever did find out what happened to Barry."
I know, I know, I can't believe I blogged about him either. Who would have thought? But then again I have also blogged about Rowdy Roddy Piper.
Maybe I am weird, but I thought I would post this list of 'The 100 Greatest TV Quotes & Catch Phrases' I saw on Yahoo News.
Here are some of my favorites in alphabetical order:
"Aaay" (Fonzie, "Happy Days")
"D'oh!" (Homer Simpson, "The Simpsons")
"Good grief" (Charlie Brown, "Peanuts" specials)
"Holy (whatever), Batman!" (Robin, "Batman")
"I'm Larry, this is my brother Darryl ..." (Larry, "Newhart")

"Live long and prosper" (Spock, "Star Trek")
"Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! (Jan Brady, "The Brady Bunch")
"One small step for man ..." (Neil Armstrong)
"Space, the final frontier ..." (Capt. Kirk, "Star Trek")
"The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat" (Jim McKay, "ABC's Wide World of Sports")
"The truth is out there" (Fox Mulder, "The X-Files")
"Well, isn't that special?" (Dana Carvey as the Church Lady, "Saturday Night Live")
"Where's the beef?" (Wendy's ad)
"Yabba dabba do!" (Fred Flintstone, "The Flintstones")
"Yada, yada, yada" ("Seinfeld")
Did I miss one? If I did let me know!!
Here is another classic photograph from the Mute photoblog called 'Arcade'.

This reminds me of Polk Ave. near my home.
With the release of the new Bond movie I'm surprised that a list like this has not popped up before. Anyhoo here is 'The Best Bond Action Sequences Ever'.
#9 Moonraker: In this awesome opening sequence to the otherwise lackluster Moonraker, 007 is thrown out of a crashing plane, sky-dives in pursuit of a bad guy and then strips the dude of his parachute before finally engaging in some midair combat with ultimate Bond henchman Jaws.
#8 Diamonds Are Forever: In Sean Connery's final official outing as the British super spy, the aging Scotsman and his redhead gal are in Vegas and on the run from Johnny Law.
#7 Octopussy: Bond impersonates a Cuban military official in order to sabotage some high-tech gizmo but gets caught in the process.
#6 The Living Daylights: Along with totally smokin' babe Maryam d'Abo, new Bond Timothy Dalton uses his rocket-propelled Aston Martin to outrun a slew of police cars on a frozen Czechoslovakian lake.
#5 You Only Live Twice: Equipped with a combat-ready mini-copter, Connery scopes out mega-villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld's famed hollowed-out volcano lair, only to be attacked by a fleet of henchmen-piloted choppers.
#4 For Your Eyes Only: Much like the upcoming Casino Royale, For Your Eyes Only marked a return to reality for the Bond series. In this clip, Roger Moore skis through the Italian Alps, escaping two machinegun-wielding bad guys on motorbikes.
#3 On Her Majesty's Secret Service: In his only outing as Bond, George Lazenby ambushes arch-nemesis Ernst Stavro Blofeld in his Swiss mountaintop lair, then chases the megalomaniac in a dizzying bobsled pursuit. #2 Live and Let Die: Though Live and Let Die isn't the best Bond flick, it did provide a rocking title song and this legendary crocodile run. Trapped on a raft in the middle of a croc-infested Louisiana swamp, 007 escapes to safety by running over the backs of a few hungry reptiles.
#1 The Spy Who Loved Me: Holed up in a chalet in the Austrian Alps, Bond gets his freaky deaky groove on with some double-crossing blond, then straps on a pair of skis, escapes a crew of Russian agents and finally base jumps off the biggest damn cliff we've ever seen.
I think this list is upside down but leave it to Stuff Magazine to pick a #1 that begins with Bond in bed.
This image has been around since 1983 but I first saw it today. I thought it was cool so here it is.

Pahoeoe Fountain
In the last 90+ blogs I have taken some liberty at memorializing some of the people who have influenced me with or without them knowing it. Today I would like to memorialize someone who I did not know until he died.
I was reading this article, X-Men illustrator dies in Superman pajamas, and learned that the guy who illustrated the X-Men comics during my youth, Dave Cockrum, died yesterday.

[November 11, 1943 - November 26, 2006]
The article summed it up when it said, "The 63-year-old overhauled the X-Men comic and helped popularize the relatively obscure Marvel Comics in the 1970s. He helped turn the title into a publishing sensation and major film franchise."

[This is a panel from a comic where Dave created his self portrait.]
Thanks for everything Dave.
With Christmas rapidly approaching I thought I could start sharing Christmas related items. I hope that isn't to far off topic. Anyhow, Check out this little goody I saw at 'Hammacher Schlemmer'.

As big of a fan I am I don't think I would want one of these cracking my nuts.
Billy Idol does 'White Christmas'.
Don't say I never gave you anything! I blogged about how we were trying to catch up on Lost before the season three premier. We decided that renting from RedBox would save us a lot of money over Hollywood Video. So we tried it and we really like it. I don't think we have been to Hollywood since Summer.
Why am I telling you this? No, it's not because I work for RedBox. Just before Halloween we rented a video for the kids to watch while we traveled to Provo for our family Halloween party. When we got back we had a Trunk-or-Treat at the church. One of my friends offered to return the video if I would help him move a couch into his house that night.
Last week I got an email that said the DVD had never been returned and they charged me 25.56 for the experience. I talked to my friend and they said they had returned it. So I called RedBox and without argument they refunded my money. [Now that's customer service!!] I had to get onto the RedBox website to find the phone number and I came across this page that offered a free nights rental.

This is not the first time I have received a free night rental from them either. The first time I went to use RedBox a guy who had just rented a DVD told me that if I use the word 'Apple' I would get a free night. He was right. The email I just received gave me a different password 'Breakroom'.
I love RedBox you should try them out!
I came across this game called 'Infinite Mario'.

I haven't found the end so I don't know if it is really Infinite or not :)
If you haven't seen it yet, here is the newest teaser poster for 'Spiderman 3'.

That's all for today!
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