04 October 2006
Typecast propaganda for 5000 years of pictures, games and lines.
Things are starting to pick up at work. We are in holiday rush mode, which is hard right now but will be sweet just before the holidays. I am working on a CD PR Kit for one of our clients. It should be easy but will take time. I have to burn 70 CD's, label them and get them ready to send out by Friday.
I had a little time to surf today....
I saw this article called 'Roles Actors Will Never Live Down'. I liked the list because for two reasons. First, I love most of these actors and the roles they played and even if I don't like them I have to admit that I will always associate them with that character. Second, the article links to YoutTube video of each of the characters in action.
Every actor -- and waiter in L.A. -- dreams of landing that one role that lives on forever. Well, these actors have done it, and we bet some of them wish they hadn't.
Jon Heder as Napoleon Dynamite
Michael Richards as Kramer
Leonard Nimoy as Spock
Dennis Haskins as Mr. Belding
Macaulay Culkin as Kevin from Home Alone
James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano
Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger
Elijah Wood as Frodo
Christopher Reeve as Superman
Every one and a while the site worth1000.com has a photoshop contest where the entries are really worth seeing. Today I came across this contest called 'Fun with Propaganda 7'.

The Theme is Propaganda posters put to humorous use.

[Zombies!!!! sweet]

I saw this cool flash animation of all of '5000 years of history' of the Middle East on MapsOfWar.com.
Apparently there is a website of lists which is maintained by a guy who calls himself the 'Keeper of Lists'. Today the keeper shared the 'Top 393 Greatest Lines From Television'. hmmmm??
Here are the top ten from the list.

1. "Doh!" - Homer
2. "What'll we do tonight, Brain?"
3. Meep Meep
4. Oh my God--they killed Kenny!
5. He's dead, Jim!
6. "[Name] has entered....the Twilight Zone!"
7. Live...from New York...it's Saturday Night!!
8. WELL, isn't that Special!!
9. And now for something completely different....
10. Heeerrreee'sss Johnny
Blogging has benefited me in several ways one of which is that I now have a place to put those things I see on the web but previously could not find again. Another is that I have noticed the different things I look at on the web. It was not intentional that I started posting a string of images with my name in it, it just happened that way.
Today I present, my name in lightning.

I found another game where you build a contraption to move a ball from one place to another. Todays game is called 'the contraption' - how fitting.

Today I also found an image gallery of 'Spiral Pictures'.

I never realized how often the spiral appears in nature.
Halloween is quickly approaching. I know you're already planning your costumes but what about your pumpkins? If you need any ideas you can check out the 'Pumpkin Way'.

I found another game that almost lives up to its name - 'A Maze-ing'.

There are mazes, this is A Maze, I'm just not sure it is A Maze-ING.
Here is a game with a Halloween theme called 'Haunted castle'.

I'm not sure what the goal of the game is.

But.....turn left here, in the next room move the left torch on the wall in front of you. Then walk into the room behind the wall. Open the casket and.........
As you may know, during my freshman year in college I rushed a fraternity. One of my fellow pledges from class Alpha was Brad Wheeler. Brad is a great guy and someone I still consider a close friend. I don't want to bore you with all the details but after a while our paths parted but we have kept in touch in one way or another over the years. I remember one time Brad had told me about when he went to Burning Man. While he was there he had a far-out experience where he learned to play the harmonica. I didn't really know what to think of it but this guy has so much artistic talent he could make anything beautiful.
A few years later I saw Brad on the news. He was working at Brewskies down on 25th street and was commenting about the Olympics. A while later I saw Brad and he said he was giving away Harmonicas in the local schools and teaching the kids how to play them. A few years later my oldest son came home from school with a Harmonica and a story about Brad. A few days later there was a story in the paper about him giving out something like his 10,000th harmonica to a student in Ogden. I spoke to him after that and he told me he was playing in 'South by Southwest' or SXSW in a few weeks in his band 'The Legendary Porch Pounders'.
Brad has really made a name of himself just by being Brad.
I tell you all of this because my friend Brad is organizing a 'Harmonica Army'. Brad has given out so many harmonicas that he want all of the student and any other players to gather at Lindquist Field (where the Raptors play) in Ogden to set a World Record for the most harmonica players playing at the same time.

Here are the details

So I think we should all go. Brad made a little tutorial about how to play 'When the Saints go Marching In'. You have time to learn so you had better get to it!
[That is Brad's Voice]
That's all I have for today.
I had a little time to surf today....
I saw this article called 'Roles Actors Will Never Live Down'. I liked the list because for two reasons. First, I love most of these actors and the roles they played and even if I don't like them I have to admit that I will always associate them with that character. Second, the article links to YoutTube video of each of the characters in action.
Every actor -- and waiter in L.A. -- dreams of landing that one role that lives on forever. Well, these actors have done it, and we bet some of them wish they hadn't.
Jon Heder as Napoleon Dynamite
Michael Richards as Kramer
Leonard Nimoy as Spock
Dennis Haskins as Mr. Belding
Macaulay Culkin as Kevin from Home Alone
James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano
Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger
Elijah Wood as Frodo
Christopher Reeve as Superman
Every one and a while the site worth1000.com has a photoshop contest where the entries are really worth seeing. Today I came across this contest called 'Fun with Propaganda 7'.

The Theme is Propaganda posters put to humorous use.

[Zombies!!!! sweet]

I saw this cool flash animation of all of '5000 years of history' of the Middle East on MapsOfWar.com.
Apparently there is a website of lists which is maintained by a guy who calls himself the 'Keeper of Lists'. Today the keeper shared the 'Top 393 Greatest Lines From Television'. hmmmm??
Here are the top ten from the list.

1. "Doh!" - Homer
2. "What'll we do tonight, Brain?"
3. Meep Meep
4. Oh my God--they killed Kenny!
5. He's dead, Jim!
6. "[Name] has entered....the Twilight Zone!"
7. Live...from New York...it's Saturday Night!!
8. WELL, isn't that Special!!
9. And now for something completely different....
10. Heeerrreee'sss Johnny
Blogging has benefited me in several ways one of which is that I now have a place to put those things I see on the web but previously could not find again. Another is that I have noticed the different things I look at on the web. It was not intentional that I started posting a string of images with my name in it, it just happened that way.
Today I present, my name in lightning.

I found another game where you build a contraption to move a ball from one place to another. Todays game is called 'the contraption' - how fitting.

Today I also found an image gallery of 'Spiral Pictures'.

I never realized how often the spiral appears in nature.
Halloween is quickly approaching. I know you're already planning your costumes but what about your pumpkins? If you need any ideas you can check out the 'Pumpkin Way'.

I found another game that almost lives up to its name - 'A Maze-ing'.

There are mazes, this is A Maze, I'm just not sure it is A Maze-ING.
Here is a game with a Halloween theme called 'Haunted castle'.

I'm not sure what the goal of the game is.

But.....turn left here, in the next room move the left torch on the wall in front of you. Then walk into the room behind the wall. Open the casket and.........
As you may know, during my freshman year in college I rushed a fraternity. One of my fellow pledges from class Alpha was Brad Wheeler. Brad is a great guy and someone I still consider a close friend. I don't want to bore you with all the details but after a while our paths parted but we have kept in touch in one way or another over the years. I remember one time Brad had told me about when he went to Burning Man. While he was there he had a far-out experience where he learned to play the harmonica. I didn't really know what to think of it but this guy has so much artistic talent he could make anything beautiful.
A few years later I saw Brad on the news. He was working at Brewskies down on 25th street and was commenting about the Olympics. A while later I saw Brad and he said he was giving away Harmonicas in the local schools and teaching the kids how to play them. A few years later my oldest son came home from school with a Harmonica and a story about Brad. A few days later there was a story in the paper about him giving out something like his 10,000th harmonica to a student in Ogden. I spoke to him after that and he told me he was playing in 'South by Southwest' or SXSW in a few weeks in his band 'The Legendary Porch Pounders'.
Brad has really made a name of himself just by being Brad.
I tell you all of this because my friend Brad is organizing a 'Harmonica Army'. Brad has given out so many harmonicas that he want all of the student and any other players to gather at Lindquist Field (where the Raptors play) in Ogden to set a World Record for the most harmonica players playing at the same time.

Here are the details

So I think we should all go. Brad made a little tutorial about how to play 'When the Saints go Marching In'. You have time to learn so you had better get to it!
[That is Brad's Voice]
That's all I have for today.
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