11 August 2006
I am having reverse buyers remorse. Why didn't I get tickets to the REAL Madrid - ReAL Salt Lake game?????????
The world will never know.
I surfed a little today...
I'm excited to football to start. An article about the new Arizona Cardinals stadium caught my eye.

Designed by the architect Peter Eisenman this not you usual football arena.

The natrual grass field slides out of the stadium so is can capture natural rain and sunshine.
This is a cool video of the 'Time Fountain'. It used strobe lights to capture water droplets as they fall. This optical illusion allows them to create some pretty cool effects.
[link for rss]
Here is a cool pic of an 'Orbital Sunrise'

This is a slick pic from a NYC photoblog.

Askmen.com posted an article about '25 Things Men Should Know How To Do'.
25- Leave a tip
24- Clean your apartment
23- Change a tire
22- Set the mood
21- Undo a bra
20- Tie a tie
19- Get into a nightclub
18- Do the groceries
17- Speed read
16- Read a woman's medicine cabinet
15- Sew a button
14- Do the laundry
13- Choose the right wine
12- Play poker
11- Throw a party
10- Keep your bar well-stocked
9- Cure a hangover
8- Smoke a cigar
7- Iron clothes
6- Purchase flowers
5- Make restaurant reservations
4- Manage stress
3- Prepare breakfast in bed
2- Send proper e-mail
1- Be a gentleman
This should have been named '25 things Single men on the prowl need to know how to do'. Some things on this list are one the mark but I would like to post my own list of '25 thing real men should know how to do'. I will borrow some things from the above list as well as the format.
25- Leave a tip
24- Clean up after you child has been sick in bed.
23- Change a tire
22- Set the mood with 5 children present.
21- Undo a braid in your girls hair
20- Tie a tie on your 8 year old on Sunday morning before church
19- Get into a nightclub when your teen daughter is out after curfew
18- Do the grocery shopping without calling home on the cell phone more than once.
17- Speed read the end of you child's bed time book after they have fallen asleep in bed.
16- Read a medicine cabinet and know which child gets which medicine.
15- Sew a button and a patch on the scout uniform
14- Do the laundry
13- Choose the Right
12- Play games with your kids
11- Throw a birthday party
10- Keep your freezer well-stocked
9- Cure a boo-boo
8- Change a diaper
7- Iron clothes
6- Purchase flowers
5- Make reservations
4- Manage stress
3- Prepare breakfast in bed
2- Send proper e-mail
1- Be a gentleman
Remember those star trek motivational posters? Now you can create you own posters here. Motivator: Inspire! Motivate! Mock!

[Leaders - Leadership is action, not position.]
Bob Thaves, creator of Frank & Earnest, died this month.

RIP Bob, thanks for the early morning laughs.
Last thing today, I'm not really one to remember Birthdays. I still need to call my dad and wish him a happy 28th birthday [again]. But this Sunday August 13th marks the birthday of one of my greatest friends.

I don't want to get all mushy. But Murray was my best friend growing up. I still can't believe that he's gone. I couldn't watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July this year without him. Although we were not that close of friends as adults, we never missed an opportunity to shoot the bull when we could.
Some guys from high school put together a website in honor of Murray. I found this there.
[link for rss]
I miss him, I regret wasting the time I could have spent with him.
Happy Birthday Murray.
August 13, 1971 - November 11, 2005
I am having reverse buyers remorse. Why didn't I get tickets to the REAL Madrid - ReAL Salt Lake game?????????
The world will never know.
I surfed a little today...
I'm excited to football to start. An article about the new Arizona Cardinals stadium caught my eye.

Designed by the architect Peter Eisenman this not you usual football arena.

The natrual grass field slides out of the stadium so is can capture natural rain and sunshine.
This is a cool video of the 'Time Fountain'. It used strobe lights to capture water droplets as they fall. This optical illusion allows them to create some pretty cool effects.
[link for rss]
Here is a cool pic of an 'Orbital Sunrise'

This is a slick pic from a NYC photoblog.

Askmen.com posted an article about '25 Things Men Should Know How To Do'.
25- Leave a tip
24- Clean your apartment
23- Change a tire
22- Set the mood
21- Undo a bra
20- Tie a tie
19- Get into a nightclub
18- Do the groceries
17- Speed read
16- Read a woman's medicine cabinet
15- Sew a button
14- Do the laundry
13- Choose the right wine
12- Play poker
11- Throw a party
10- Keep your bar well-stocked
9- Cure a hangover
8- Smoke a cigar
7- Iron clothes
6- Purchase flowers
5- Make restaurant reservations
4- Manage stress
3- Prepare breakfast in bed
2- Send proper e-mail
1- Be a gentleman
This should have been named '25 things Single men on the prowl need to know how to do'. Some things on this list are one the mark but I would like to post my own list of '25 thing real men should know how to do'. I will borrow some things from the above list as well as the format.
25- Leave a tip
24- Clean up after you child has been sick in bed.
23- Change a tire
22- Set the mood with 5 children present.
21- Undo a braid in your girls hair
20- Tie a tie on your 8 year old on Sunday morning before church
19- Get into a nightclub when your teen daughter is out after curfew
18- Do the grocery shopping without calling home on the cell phone more than once.
17- Speed read the end of you child's bed time book after they have fallen asleep in bed.
16- Read a medicine cabinet and know which child gets which medicine.
15- Sew a button and a patch on the scout uniform
14- Do the laundry
13- Choose the Right
12- Play games with your kids
11- Throw a birthday party
10- Keep your freezer well-stocked
9- Cure a boo-boo
8- Change a diaper
7- Iron clothes
6- Purchase flowers
5- Make reservations
4- Manage stress
3- Prepare breakfast in bed
2- Send proper e-mail
1- Be a gentleman
Remember those star trek motivational posters? Now you can create you own posters here. Motivator: Inspire! Motivate! Mock!

[Leaders - Leadership is action, not position.]
Bob Thaves, creator of Frank & Earnest, died this month.

RIP Bob, thanks for the early morning laughs.
Last thing today, I'm not really one to remember Birthdays. I still need to call my dad and wish him a happy 28th birthday [again]. But this Sunday August 13th marks the birthday of one of my greatest friends.

I don't want to get all mushy. But Murray was my best friend growing up. I still can't believe that he's gone. I couldn't watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July this year without him. Although we were not that close of friends as adults, we never missed an opportunity to shoot the bull when we could.
Some guys from high school put together a website in honor of Murray. I found this there.
[link for rss]
I miss him, I regret wasting the time I could have spent with him.
Happy Birthday Murray.
August 13, 1971 - November 11, 2005
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