08 August 2006
Crap Fest
Well so much for the wagon. Throughout the day when my computer is processing or I am waiting on something I will surf the web. When I find something interesting I copy an image and the url to my desktop. Near the end of the day I take everything on my desktop and throw it onto this blog. Seems simple right?
With the high heat they have been experiencing in L.A. combined with the soaring popularity of Myspace, it has become harder and harder to quickly throw things onto my blog. I realize I get what I pay for but I cannot bear the thought of making my brother and sister suffer without my daily post.
Last night I had this problem. I could not post my blog. I left the page open and my original notes open and locked my computer and went home. When I arrived this morning my computer had been rebooted. Either the power went out long enough for my battery back-up to run out or the powers that be are trying to boot me out of my job. I'm not sure which is the case, probably the former. [While I was gone to Yellowstone my video card went bust. probably from the power going on and off. I am going to shut down and replace the card right after I try and post this.]
To make this short story end, I have only a picture blog for you today. I'm afraid my brother will not give me kudos for this.
Anyway, I had some time to surf yesterday....
I forgot to mention that on our trip to Yellowstone that I saw a Coyote.

And I kid you not, the Coyote was being chased by a bear across the road.

The only day it rained we drove through Hayden Valley to see the Buffalo. But alas the only bison in the valley appeared as dark spots on the far side, across the river and near the trees. In my sorrow and brimming anger we drove toward Lake. As we approached the intersection a group of Buffalo were standing under some trees for shelter from the storm.

Just as we approached they crossed the street right in front of our van. The kids went nuts and I got tons of great pictures. [My only regret is that a guy who pulled to the side of me got out and was shaking his butt at a near by bull. My children recall his actions more than they do the majestic beauty of these Yellowstone bison.]
Just before it had started to rain we stopped at canyon.

It was all together a great day in the park. By the end of the day we were beat.

We headed back to West for a slide and a long nights rest.
I have a few regrets about this post. 1) I did not shoot any of these pictures. They are all from a great photographer but I lost the link to his site. 2) We actually saw the coyote and bear in the Tetons after we left the park and were headed home. 3) I will post my pictures and will have already have told the story.
I found another great image from a site in England.

This site also had multiple lessons about how to take photographs. I did not bookmark it because I thought it would be in my blog. If I come across the page again I will post the link.
I saw another great site that gave out awards for underwater photography.

I found both of these images to prompt you to visit the site.

[togetherness too]
Cucumber fish? I will try and find the link for this and post it too.
I am opening myself up to family ridicule with this next set of pix.

Star Trek inspirational posters.

This was easy to find on google.

I promise I did not bookmark this link.

Check for yourself if you do not believe me.
[I know, I know, signs up!!!]
I also saw this cool bus street-ad.

Clever, Just one bite.
I had a game and a video I was going to post but without the links they are no good. Perhaps I will post them another day.
With the high heat they have been experiencing in L.A. combined with the soaring popularity of Myspace, it has become harder and harder to quickly throw things onto my blog. I realize I get what I pay for but I cannot bear the thought of making my brother and sister suffer without my daily post.
Last night I had this problem. I could not post my blog. I left the page open and my original notes open and locked my computer and went home. When I arrived this morning my computer had been rebooted. Either the power went out long enough for my battery back-up to run out or the powers that be are trying to boot me out of my job. I'm not sure which is the case, probably the former. [While I was gone to Yellowstone my video card went bust. probably from the power going on and off. I am going to shut down and replace the card right after I try and post this.]
To make this short story end, I have only a picture blog for you today. I'm afraid my brother will not give me kudos for this.
Anyway, I had some time to surf yesterday....
I forgot to mention that on our trip to Yellowstone that I saw a Coyote.

And I kid you not, the Coyote was being chased by a bear across the road.

The only day it rained we drove through Hayden Valley to see the Buffalo. But alas the only bison in the valley appeared as dark spots on the far side, across the river and near the trees. In my sorrow and brimming anger we drove toward Lake. As we approached the intersection a group of Buffalo were standing under some trees for shelter from the storm.

Just as we approached they crossed the street right in front of our van. The kids went nuts and I got tons of great pictures. [My only regret is that a guy who pulled to the side of me got out and was shaking his butt at a near by bull. My children recall his actions more than they do the majestic beauty of these Yellowstone bison.]
Just before it had started to rain we stopped at canyon.

It was all together a great day in the park. By the end of the day we were beat.

We headed back to West for a slide and a long nights rest.
I have a few regrets about this post. 1) I did not shoot any of these pictures. They are all from a great photographer but I lost the link to his site. 2) We actually saw the coyote and bear in the Tetons after we left the park and were headed home. 3) I will post my pictures and will have already have told the story.
I found another great image from a site in England.

This site also had multiple lessons about how to take photographs. I did not bookmark it because I thought it would be in my blog. If I come across the page again I will post the link.
I saw another great site that gave out awards for underwater photography.

I found both of these images to prompt you to visit the site.

[togetherness too]
Cucumber fish? I will try and find the link for this and post it too.
I am opening myself up to family ridicule with this next set of pix.

Star Trek inspirational posters.

This was easy to find on google.

I promise I did not bookmark this link.

Check for yourself if you do not believe me.
[I know, I know, signs up!!!]
I also saw this cool bus street-ad.

Clever, Just one bite.
I had a game and a video I was going to post but without the links they are no good. Perhaps I will post them another day.
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