12 October 2006
UEA Ogden-Movie-Music-Picture-Addiction
Well this week is flying by. Thanks to the most powerful union in Utah, today and tomorrow are statewide holidays. I am taking tomorrow off and hoping for some kind of adventure that is not yet planned.
Last night, I attended the Ogden v. Granstville football game to watch my oldest daughter preform as a cheerleader at half time.

[None of these girls are my daughter but they are cheerleaders at Ogden High]
She did a great job and it was really fun to see her excel at something she loves.

[This photo is from homecoming last year but; 1. It show two guys that used to live in my ward, and 2. I can really give them a hard time about it.]
In case you feel this information is a bit too indulgent on my part then perhaps you would like to know that Ogden High is the school the movie '3 O'Clock High' was filmed in.

[See the school in the lower right corner. I live two blocks behind this building.]
I had a little time to surf today but I was worried about drowning like Squints from the movie 'The Sandlot'.

Well, he was faking it just to kiss the lifeguard at the pool but that scene was also filmed in Ogden at the 'Lorin Farr Pool'.
I guess it's OK to surf after all....
BTW, A quick glance at IMDB show 21 Movies and TV shows that have been or are currently filming in Ogden. The site allows voting to it appears as a list of the 'Top 21 Titles with Locations in Ogden, Utah'.
1. "Everwood" (2002) TV Series
2. "Promised Land" (1996) TV Series
3. "Stand, The" (1994) (mini) TV Series
4. "Touched by an Angel" (1994) TV Series
5. Alien Express (2005) (TV)
6. Benji: Off the Leash! (2004)
7. Blind Guy Driving (2007)
8. Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journey, The (2003)
9. Con Air (1997)
10. Drive Me Crazy (1999)
11. Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2002) (TV)
12. Fletch (1985)

[Funny thing here is that in the movie he is at a hotel on 24th street in west Ogden talking on a phone but says he is in Provo.]
13. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
14. Harmful Intent (1993) (TV)
15. Last Time I Committed Suicide, The (1997)
16. Melvin and Howard (1980)
17. Olivia in Concert (1982) (V)
18. Sandlot, The (1993)
19. Scorned and Swindled (1984)
20. This Boy's Life (1993)
21. Three O'Clock High (1987)
Have I bored you to death yet?
Today I came across this photo called 'Just around the river bend' on 'Shutter Junkie'.

'Shutter Junkie' is Jemma Lambert, a 23 year old female photographer from the more northern regions of the UK.
Is it interesting that she traveled to the Grand Canyon all the way from Ireland and took this picture. I'm on the Internet and see the picture and it makes me want to go there, but I live in Utah and have never seen it with my own eyes?
Despite my rambling this is a great picture.
I know I got all caught up in the Ogden movie thing above but don't let that detract from this amazing site where they have compiled a list of 'The Top 40 music moments in film history'.
10. "Try a Little Tenderness," Otis Redding - Pretty in Pink
9. "The End," The Doors - Apocalypse Now
8. "Moving in Stereo," The Cars - Fast Times at Ridgemont High
7. "Shout," Otis Day & the Knights, Animal House
6. "Stuck in the Middle with You," Stealer's Wheel - Reservoir Dogs
5. "Tiny Dancer," Elton John - Almost Famous
4. "Damn It Feels Good 2 Be A Gangsta," The Geto Boys - Office Space
3. "Twist and Shout," The Beatles - Ferris Bueller's Day Off
2. "In Your Eyes," Peter Gabriel - Say Anything
1. "Bohemian Rhapsody," Queen - Wayne's World
Other greats on the list include:
13. "Old Time Rock and Roll," Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band - Risky Business
15. "Don't Stop Me Now," Queen - Shaun of the Dead
17. "Afternoon Delight," Starland Vocal Band - Anchorman
19. "Tequila," The Champs - Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
24. "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow," The Soggy Bottom Boys - O Brother Where Art Thou?
28. Jump in the Line," Harry Belafonte - Beetlejuice
30. "Louie, Louie," The Kingsmen - Animal House
39. "The Promise," When In Rome - Napoleon Dynamite
I can't think of any they left out, can you????
I found another great photo from 'Natural Moments Photography' which features the photography of Darwin Wiggett.

[This picture tells a great story]

[The colorful Rocky Mountains of Canada]

[How could I pass this up. (BTW I have been here!)]
With my picks done and my team off for the week there is not much interesting to read about in college football right now. I did find this, the 'Top 10 college fight songs'.
10. Southern California: Fight On!
9. Auburn: War Eagle
8. Ohio State: Across the Field
7. Washington & Lee: Washington & Lee Swing [This is the same tune as the SAE song!]
6. Michigan State: Falcone Fight
5. Navy: Anchors Aweigh
4. Georgia Tech: Rambling Wreck
3. Army: On Brave Old Army Team
2. Michigan: The Victors
1. Notre Dame: Notre Dame Victory March
I'm feeling a BS bias on this list [oops, I left out the C! I meant BCS not BS, it must have been a slip of the fingers]. Although I can't stand the tune, even Utah's song is better than some of these! [ouch, it really hurt so say that.]
NASA currently as a mission, called Cassini-Huygens, to Saturn that is returning 'Stunning new images'.

Halloween is quickly approaching. Are your costumes ready? Mine either, but before you run out and try to create a Rubik's Cube Costume out of boxes and Duct Tape...

...check out what you can do with a little more vision.

This is a 'Fully Transformable Suit' which has the 80's zeal of the Rubik's Cube but it also timely with the release of the upcoming transformers movie.

This is pretty sweet
Yesterday I made a confession about a musical misstep I made in the early eighties. Today I have another confession. I love my wife [No that's not the confession!]. I am so enamored with my wife that at one point, in the mid 90's, I was recording and watching the 'Guiding Light', which is Rachel's favorite daytime Soap Opera. Although I am currently cured of this addiction, I read an article today that may throw me 'off the wagon' and back into the soap [box].

New super-powered character debuts on Guiding Light on Wednesday, November 1
This news is a taste of Pop Culture at its best. CBS has announced that a Super character will be added to the cast of The Guiding Light. Along with this very interesting news we have learned that Marvel comics is doing an eight-page comic back up that will feature some of Marvel's mightiest heroes (and villains) descending on Guiding Light's city of Springfield to determine if this new super-powered being is friend or foe! This eight page comic back-up will be released into 13 books starting 10/25.
Here are the books to look for:
Civil War: Choosing Sides
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane 11
Marvel Select Flip Magazine 18
Marvel Tales Flip Magazine 17
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man 21
Spider-Man And Power Pack 1
Marvel Adventures Flip Magazine 18
Marvel Heroes Flip Magazine 18
Amazing Spider-Girl 2
Franklin Richards: Happy Franksgiving!
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four 18
Ultimate Marvel Flip Magazine 19
Ultimate Tales Flip Magazine 19
If I disappear for a while you might be able to find me at the SOA or GUA meetings the second Thursday after the AA, DAWN and SA meetings at the Church on Harrison Blvd.
When I opened the paper this morning I saw a great picture called 'Pond Secrets'

An automobile rests in the shallows of Ogden's 21st Street pond as the colors of autoumn [sik] reflect off its glassy surface on Wednesday. The automobile was places in the pond by rescue divers several years ago for training purposes.
I hope that's enough to tide you over until Monday.
Last night, I attended the Ogden v. Granstville football game to watch my oldest daughter preform as a cheerleader at half time.

[None of these girls are my daughter but they are cheerleaders at Ogden High]
She did a great job and it was really fun to see her excel at something she loves.

[This photo is from homecoming last year but; 1. It show two guys that used to live in my ward, and 2. I can really give them a hard time about it.]
In case you feel this information is a bit too indulgent on my part then perhaps you would like to know that Ogden High is the school the movie '3 O'Clock High' was filmed in.

[See the school in the lower right corner. I live two blocks behind this building.]
I had a little time to surf today but I was worried about drowning like Squints from the movie 'The Sandlot'.

Well, he was faking it just to kiss the lifeguard at the pool but that scene was also filmed in Ogden at the 'Lorin Farr Pool'.
I guess it's OK to surf after all....
BTW, A quick glance at IMDB show 21 Movies and TV shows that have been or are currently filming in Ogden. The site allows voting to it appears as a list of the 'Top 21 Titles with Locations in Ogden, Utah'.
1. "Everwood" (2002) TV Series
2. "Promised Land" (1996) TV Series
3. "Stand, The" (1994) (mini) TV Series
4. "Touched by an Angel" (1994) TV Series
5. Alien Express (2005) (TV)
6. Benji: Off the Leash! (2004)
7. Blind Guy Driving (2007)
8. Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journey, The (2003)
9. Con Air (1997)
10. Drive Me Crazy (1999)
11. Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2002) (TV)
12. Fletch (1985)

[Funny thing here is that in the movie he is at a hotel on 24th street in west Ogden talking on a phone but says he is in Provo.]
13. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
14. Harmful Intent (1993) (TV)
15. Last Time I Committed Suicide, The (1997)
16. Melvin and Howard (1980)
17. Olivia in Concert (1982) (V)
18. Sandlot, The (1993)
19. Scorned and Swindled (1984)
20. This Boy's Life (1993)
21. Three O'Clock High (1987)
Have I bored you to death yet?
Today I came across this photo called 'Just around the river bend' on 'Shutter Junkie'.

'Shutter Junkie' is Jemma Lambert, a 23 year old female photographer from the more northern regions of the UK.
Is it interesting that she traveled to the Grand Canyon all the way from Ireland and took this picture. I'm on the Internet and see the picture and it makes me want to go there, but I live in Utah and have never seen it with my own eyes?
Despite my rambling this is a great picture.
I know I got all caught up in the Ogden movie thing above but don't let that detract from this amazing site where they have compiled a list of 'The Top 40 music moments in film history'.
10. "Try a Little Tenderness," Otis Redding - Pretty in Pink
9. "The End," The Doors - Apocalypse Now
8. "Moving in Stereo," The Cars - Fast Times at Ridgemont High
7. "Shout," Otis Day & the Knights, Animal House
6. "Stuck in the Middle with You," Stealer's Wheel - Reservoir Dogs
5. "Tiny Dancer," Elton John - Almost Famous
4. "Damn It Feels Good 2 Be A Gangsta," The Geto Boys - Office Space
3. "Twist and Shout," The Beatles - Ferris Bueller's Day Off
2. "In Your Eyes," Peter Gabriel - Say Anything
1. "Bohemian Rhapsody," Queen - Wayne's World
Other greats on the list include:
13. "Old Time Rock and Roll," Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band - Risky Business
15. "Don't Stop Me Now," Queen - Shaun of the Dead
17. "Afternoon Delight," Starland Vocal Band - Anchorman
19. "Tequila," The Champs - Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
24. "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow," The Soggy Bottom Boys - O Brother Where Art Thou?
28. Jump in the Line," Harry Belafonte - Beetlejuice
30. "Louie, Louie," The Kingsmen - Animal House
39. "The Promise," When In Rome - Napoleon Dynamite
I can't think of any they left out, can you????
I found another great photo from 'Natural Moments Photography' which features the photography of Darwin Wiggett.

[This picture tells a great story]

[The colorful Rocky Mountains of Canada]

[How could I pass this up. (BTW I have been here!)]
With my picks done and my team off for the week there is not much interesting to read about in college football right now. I did find this, the 'Top 10 college fight songs'.
10. Southern California: Fight On!
9. Auburn: War Eagle
8. Ohio State: Across the Field
7. Washington & Lee: Washington & Lee Swing [This is the same tune as the SAE song!]
6. Michigan State: Falcone Fight
5. Navy: Anchors Aweigh
4. Georgia Tech: Rambling Wreck
3. Army: On Brave Old Army Team
2. Michigan: The Victors
1. Notre Dame: Notre Dame Victory March
I'm feeling a BS bias on this list [oops, I left out the C! I meant BCS not BS, it must have been a slip of the fingers]. Although I can't stand the tune, even Utah's song is better than some of these! [ouch, it really hurt so say that.]
NASA currently as a mission, called Cassini-Huygens, to Saturn that is returning 'Stunning new images'.

Halloween is quickly approaching. Are your costumes ready? Mine either, but before you run out and try to create a Rubik's Cube Costume out of boxes and Duct Tape...

...check out what you can do with a little more vision.

This is a 'Fully Transformable Suit' which has the 80's zeal of the Rubik's Cube but it also timely with the release of the upcoming transformers movie.

This is pretty sweet
Yesterday I made a confession about a musical misstep I made in the early eighties. Today I have another confession. I love my wife [No that's not the confession!]. I am so enamored with my wife that at one point, in the mid 90's, I was recording and watching the 'Guiding Light', which is Rachel's favorite daytime Soap Opera. Although I am currently cured of this addiction, I read an article today that may throw me 'off the wagon' and back into the soap [box].

New super-powered character debuts on Guiding Light on Wednesday, November 1
This news is a taste of Pop Culture at its best. CBS has announced that a Super character will be added to the cast of The Guiding Light. Along with this very interesting news we have learned that Marvel comics is doing an eight-page comic back up that will feature some of Marvel's mightiest heroes (and villains) descending on Guiding Light's city of Springfield to determine if this new super-powered being is friend or foe! This eight page comic back-up will be released into 13 books starting 10/25.
Here are the books to look for:
Civil War: Choosing Sides
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane 11
Marvel Select Flip Magazine 18
Marvel Tales Flip Magazine 17
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man 21
Spider-Man And Power Pack 1
Marvel Adventures Flip Magazine 18
Marvel Heroes Flip Magazine 18
Amazing Spider-Girl 2
Franklin Richards: Happy Franksgiving!
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four 18
Ultimate Marvel Flip Magazine 19
Ultimate Tales Flip Magazine 19
If I disappear for a while you might be able to find me at the SOA or GUA meetings the second Thursday after the AA, DAWN and SA meetings at the Church on Harrison Blvd.
When I opened the paper this morning I saw a great picture called 'Pond Secrets'

An automobile rests in the shallows of Ogden's 21st Street pond as the colors of autoumn [sik] reflect off its glassy surface on Wednesday. The automobile was places in the pond by rescue divers several years ago for training purposes.
I hope that's enough to tide you over until Monday.
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