17 January 2007

Give a hoot

Well I'm headed off for a meeting with a personel trainer at the gym. I'm not looking forward to this. Every time I go in there I feel out of place. I'm not sure what's going to happen but I hope since I am now paying for my membership I will have even more motivation to attend.

Yesterday I exchanged email with an old friend of mine from 'the old neighborhood'. He was one of my best friends when that really meant something. It was great to hear from him but as good as it was to remember the good times he also reminded me of some of my worst times. I will always cherish his friendship and the role it played in my life. I'm glad that I have had 20 years to let other things that happened at that time go by the wayside. It's amazing how the feelings and emotions came right back when names and places are mentioned. He and I had also exchanged thoughts about Murray O'Dell and his passing.

My oldest daughter ran into my friend Brad Wheeler at school yesterday. Brad is the guy who organized the harmonica army. Brad was visiting the school to pass out harmonicas to the kids in my daughters class. She introduced herself and he told he to say hello to me. I think it is interesting that some of my friends still influence my kids even though we are as close as we used to be. It makes me wonder what other connections there are out there.

Enough about me, I had time to surf today....

I haven't done this in a while so here is  'This date in history'.

In 1706 - Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, is born in Boston.
In 1893 - Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th President of the United States, dies
In 1899 - Al Capone, American gangster, is born in Brooklyn, N.Y.
In 1929 - Popeye the Sailor Man, a cartoon character created by Elzie Crisler Segar, first appears in the Comic Strip Thimble Theatre.
In 1931 - James Earl Jones, American actor and voice of Darth Vader, is born.
In 1942 - Muhammad Ali, American boxer, is born
In 1945 - The Nazis begin the evacuation of the Auschwitz concentration camp as Soviet forces close in.
In 1949 - Andy Kaufman, American comedian, is born
In 1962 - Jim Carrey, Canadian actor and comedian, is born
In 1977 - Convicted murderer Gary Gilmore is executed by a firing squad in Utah, ending a ten-year moratorium on the death penalty in the United States.
In 1991 - 'Mother of all Battles' begins - Operation Desert Storm begins as Gulf War Allies send hundreds of planes on bombing raids into Iraq.
In 1997 - A court in Ireland granted the first divorce in the Roman Catholic country's history.
In 1998 - President Bill Clinton became the first U.S. president to testify as a defendant in a criminal or civil suit when he answered questions from lawyers for Paula Jones.
In 2001 - Faced with an electricity crisis, California used rolling blackouts to cut off power to hundreds of thousands of people.

Since Mac World last week, the Internet has been all a buzz about the release of the new iPhone. I have to admit it seems pretty cool. I would like to get my hands on one but the $500 price tag scares me off. If you are wanting to check them out you may want to visit the 'iPhone countdown'.

This site is dedicated to letting you know just how long it will be before you can have an iPhone of your own.

It this is not enough for you try downloading this pdf file you can fold into the shape and size on an iPhone.


Since I was walking down memory lane recently, I think this next site jumped out at me. It's time for us all to say 'Good-bye to old Woodsy'. This link takes you to a page that describes the guidelines for destroying old Woodsy Owl costumes.

Why destroy Woodsy you say?

Well apparently Woodsy is now in version 2.0.


I'm not sure what to think of the change. I hate it when stars get plastic surgery like this. In four years he'll have man-cheeks and his hooter will be able to poke someone's eye out. Besides everyone knows beauty is in the eyes and I don't think you can beat old Woodsy's eyes.

[Hey Woodsy, your 'hat' is looking smaller too. I guess age effects everyone differently.]

I thought my readers would enjoy this 90's flowchart I came across [especially my wife].


My wife loves to watch the award shows on TV. It has become a tradition where we spend time together making fun of celebrities and making lists of movies or tv shows we need to catch up on. Anyway, during the Golden Globes on Monday there was a new ad for Orville Redenbacher Popcorn that featured Orville himself -- Back from the dead.

I have to admit it weirded me out. The technology used here was not the same as was used in 'Lord of the Rings'. It looks like the took an actor wearing a flat paper mask of Orville with cgi over the top. This was so creepy it made my want to stop buying his popcorn. [Which is another one of my wife's favorite things]. I know it is his name and face that is associated with the brand but pay some respect to the dead people!

I came across this site that boasts the winners of the 'Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2007'.

I have seen and posted a lot of the winners from this site before.

If you like photography this site is worth the visit.


It a completely unrelated site I saw a great picture of downtown Tokyo.


That's it for today.


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