13 December 2006
Why Today? - Take two
There have been a few days while blogging I have come across a bonanza of information I want to post. It usually follows days where I make a small post and promise a larger one tomorrow. I'm not sure if this is my subconscious desire for a larger blog or a coincidence, basically why today?
All surf no turf...
Every once and a while Google swaps out its regular logo for one that pertains to an event or anniversary for that day.

So today when I opened Firefox I noticed that the Google logo was changed to show "The Scream". This is one of the most famous paintings in the world. I clicked the logo to find out more. The link brought up links about the artist Edvard Munch who was born on this day in 1863 in Adalsbruk, Norway.

[Self Portrait]
Munch was a painter and printmaker whose intense treatment of psychological and emotional themes was a major influence on the development of German Expressionism in the early 20th century. His painting 'The Scream' or 'The Cry' is regarded as an icon of existential anguish.

My first thought of why Google had this painting is because 'The Scream' and another Munch painting called 'The Madonna' had been recently recovered from a group who had stolen them both from a museum in Norway at gunpoint. You my remember that I blogged about this.

I found the theft timeline on Wikipedia, "On August 22, 2004, the Munch Museum's Scream was stolen at gunpoint, along with Munch's Madonna. Museum officials expressed hope that they would see the painting again, theorizing that perhaps the thieves would seek ransom money. On April 8, 2005, Norwegian police arrested a suspect in connection with the theft. On April 28, 2005, it was rumored that the two paintings had been burned by the thieves to conceal evidence... On August 31, 2006, Norwegian police announced that the two paintings stolen in August 2004 had been recovered. The paintings were said to be in a better-than-expected condition with only a minor scratch and two minor holes. 'We are 100 percent certain they are the originals,' police chief Iver Stensrud told a news conference. 'The damage was much less than feared'."

[Self Portrait with Bottle]
Thank's Google.
When I was a kid my father and I would listen to old radio broadcasts. I remember listening to a variety of different shows but my favorite to this day is 'The Shadow'. I have mentioned in this blog that in the summers when we take the kids to my parents and spend the night my dad sets up his radio and a tent in the backyard and we listen to tapes of the Shadow until we all fall asleep.

Today I came across this article that caught my eye called, 'Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?' Of course I knew this was a reference to the Shadow. Apparently the director of Spiderman is working to create a new movie based on this character.

I wanted to mention that the Space Shuttle Discovery, Mission STS-116, happened this week.

The crew has completed a space walk and installed another part of the space station.
[This is the video of the launch]
I came across this game called 'Mission in Snowdriftland'.

It plays like a classic Nintendo game and has one level for every day of December.

Passing each level also unlocks tips and game hints for DS games.
Last week I blogged about a photographer who has taken photographs in every National Park in the US. Today I came across some pictures of trail in a National Park in China.

This first picture alone sealed the deal that I will probably never see this park. I don't like the one at Lagoon, I barely lived through the one at Sundance and they had to sedate me to get me on the one at Snow Basin.

The above picture is the trail head!!

I could be wrong but I think the passing zone is designated by the yellow flags. 'If you pass in Red you may find yourself dead'.

Luckily, on the steep portions of the climb there are toe holds chipped into the stone :).

This reminds me a little of 'Angels' Landing' in Zions National Park.

This 'lodge' is at the top of the trail. I wonder if there is a restaurant in there. Can you imagine hauling in the food? Let alone the materials to build the lodge !?!
Well now I'm going to have two lists. Next to the list of places I would like to go I will have a list of places I wouldn't care to go. This trail will remain at or near the top forever!!
Speaking of far away places, I came across this re-printed/blogged article about the 1970 Star Wars set in Tunisia that has since been used as homes by locals.

Et tu Luke?
From Tunisia to Pasadena...
I saw this article, 'George Lucas to bring 200 stormtroopers to the 118th Rose Parade'.

Lucas will be accompanies by the members of the 501st Legion, also known as Vader's Fist.

This legion is a group similar to 'civil war reenactors' where they create and maintain their own uniforms and get together for reenactments, except they all create their own Empiral Star Wars uniforms and they make appearances instead of reenactments.

I have rarely lead a section of the blog with an image but I thought it would be a good way to transition. Just like the above image is a cross over of Star Wars and Peanuts, the reason I found the image is because of the title of the page it was on -- Peanuts Meets Marvel.

I know I am raising my geek factor here but there is something about this cross over that made me check out every fan created image.

[The X-Men -- I'm not sure who Snoopy is???]

[Snoopy Jane]
I knew I had to share these when I came across this one, instant classic!
As you may know, in addition to my fondness for star wars and comics I also am a big fan of the Beatles. I have a large collection of their music. In high school I received a book that listed all of their songs with lyrics and dates of release in the UK and the US. According to that book I have every one of their songs, most of which are on vinyl. Over the years I have collected many other recordings, posters and books.

Today I found a new avenue to my collection. A crossover of comics and the Beatles.

[It's Paul you idiot!!!! He's not wearing shoes and the license plate says he would have been 28 if he was still alive!!! ]
Sorry about that the Beatlefile in me just snuck out.

[Marvel Beatles]
I'm not going to rush out and try to buy all of these but in my travels I will check them out if I see them.
When I first saw the lead to the next article I was hoping I had found the reason I have been surfing the web for so long. 'The 25 Most Important Questions in the History of the Universe.' If you have been reading for a while you know I disagree with almost every list. But if these are the most important questions in the History of the Universe then I really am a prodigy.
Here is the list:
1. What Makes No. 2 Pencils So Darn Special?
2. Who's That AOL Guy Who Eerily Knows When You've Got Mail?
3. Where Does Nougat Come From?
4. Is There One Move That's More Likely to Win a Game of Rock-Paper-Scissors?
5. Which Came First, the Can Opener or the Can?
6. How Does a Word Become a Curse Word?
7. Can a Pregnant Woman Drive in the Carpool Lane?
8. Why Do Battery Letters Skip from A to C? Was There Ever a B-Cell Battery?
9. What Does McDonald's Have in Common with the CIA?
10. Why Does Hawaii Have Interstate Highways?
Some other interesting questions from the list:
15. We Know Nothing Better Has Come Along Since then, But Who Invented Sliced Bread Anyway?
18. Why Can't You Tickle yourself?
20. Can You Actually Sense Weather with an Injured body Part?
Probably the most topical question from the list is:
17. Is It Possible to Own Property on the Moon?
If nothing in this blog has interested you today maybe you would like to check out something I'm pretty sure you have never seen before.
Pencil Sculptures, no not sculptures of pencils but sculptures using pencils.

You have to admit they are interesting.

I found this picture rating site, called 'The Prettiest Images', that take two pictures and asks you which is prettier. Then they post the findings and rank the pictures in order. A lot of pictures I have show in this blog are on the list. I thought I would share a few I have never seen before.



If you are here for great pictures you should check out this site.
That's all for today!!
All surf no turf...
Every once and a while Google swaps out its regular logo for one that pertains to an event or anniversary for that day.

So today when I opened Firefox I noticed that the Google logo was changed to show "The Scream". This is one of the most famous paintings in the world. I clicked the logo to find out more. The link brought up links about the artist Edvard Munch who was born on this day in 1863 in Adalsbruk, Norway.

[Self Portrait]
Munch was a painter and printmaker whose intense treatment of psychological and emotional themes was a major influence on the development of German Expressionism in the early 20th century. His painting 'The Scream' or 'The Cry' is regarded as an icon of existential anguish.

My first thought of why Google had this painting is because 'The Scream' and another Munch painting called 'The Madonna' had been recently recovered from a group who had stolen them both from a museum in Norway at gunpoint. You my remember that I blogged about this.

I found the theft timeline on Wikipedia, "On August 22, 2004, the Munch Museum's Scream was stolen at gunpoint, along with Munch's Madonna. Museum officials expressed hope that they would see the painting again, theorizing that perhaps the thieves would seek ransom money. On April 8, 2005, Norwegian police arrested a suspect in connection with the theft. On April 28, 2005, it was rumored that the two paintings had been burned by the thieves to conceal evidence... On August 31, 2006, Norwegian police announced that the two paintings stolen in August 2004 had been recovered. The paintings were said to be in a better-than-expected condition with only a minor scratch and two minor holes. 'We are 100 percent certain they are the originals,' police chief Iver Stensrud told a news conference. 'The damage was much less than feared'."

[Self Portrait with Bottle]
Thank's Google.
When I was a kid my father and I would listen to old radio broadcasts. I remember listening to a variety of different shows but my favorite to this day is 'The Shadow'. I have mentioned in this blog that in the summers when we take the kids to my parents and spend the night my dad sets up his radio and a tent in the backyard and we listen to tapes of the Shadow until we all fall asleep.

Today I came across this article that caught my eye called, 'Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?' Of course I knew this was a reference to the Shadow. Apparently the director of Spiderman is working to create a new movie based on this character.

I wanted to mention that the Space Shuttle Discovery, Mission STS-116, happened this week.

The crew has completed a space walk and installed another part of the space station.
[This is the video of the launch]
I came across this game called 'Mission in Snowdriftland'.

It plays like a classic Nintendo game and has one level for every day of December.

Passing each level also unlocks tips and game hints for DS games.
Last week I blogged about a photographer who has taken photographs in every National Park in the US. Today I came across some pictures of trail in a National Park in China.

This first picture alone sealed the deal that I will probably never see this park. I don't like the one at Lagoon, I barely lived through the one at Sundance and they had to sedate me to get me on the one at Snow Basin.

The above picture is the trail head!!

I could be wrong but I think the passing zone is designated by the yellow flags. 'If you pass in Red you may find yourself dead'.

Luckily, on the steep portions of the climb there are toe holds chipped into the stone :).

This reminds me a little of 'Angels' Landing' in Zions National Park.

This 'lodge' is at the top of the trail. I wonder if there is a restaurant in there. Can you imagine hauling in the food? Let alone the materials to build the lodge !?!
Well now I'm going to have two lists. Next to the list of places I would like to go I will have a list of places I wouldn't care to go. This trail will remain at or near the top forever!!
Speaking of far away places, I came across this re-printed/blogged article about the 1970 Star Wars set in Tunisia that has since been used as homes by locals.

Et tu Luke?
From Tunisia to Pasadena...
I saw this article, 'George Lucas to bring 200 stormtroopers to the 118th Rose Parade'.

Lucas will be accompanies by the members of the 501st Legion, also known as Vader's Fist.

This legion is a group similar to 'civil war reenactors' where they create and maintain their own uniforms and get together for reenactments, except they all create their own Empiral Star Wars uniforms and they make appearances instead of reenactments.

I have rarely lead a section of the blog with an image but I thought it would be a good way to transition. Just like the above image is a cross over of Star Wars and Peanuts, the reason I found the image is because of the title of the page it was on -- Peanuts Meets Marvel.

I know I am raising my geek factor here but there is something about this cross over that made me check out every fan created image.

[The X-Men -- I'm not sure who Snoopy is???]

[Snoopy Jane]
I knew I had to share these when I came across this one, instant classic!
As you may know, in addition to my fondness for star wars and comics I also am a big fan of the Beatles. I have a large collection of their music. In high school I received a book that listed all of their songs with lyrics and dates of release in the UK and the US. According to that book I have every one of their songs, most of which are on vinyl. Over the years I have collected many other recordings, posters and books.

Today I found a new avenue to my collection. A crossover of comics and the Beatles.

[It's Paul you idiot!!!! He's not wearing shoes and the license plate says he would have been 28 if he was still alive!!! ]
Sorry about that the Beatlefile in me just snuck out.

[Marvel Beatles]
I'm not going to rush out and try to buy all of these but in my travels I will check them out if I see them.
When I first saw the lead to the next article I was hoping I had found the reason I have been surfing the web for so long. 'The 25 Most Important Questions in the History of the Universe.' If you have been reading for a while you know I disagree with almost every list. But if these are the most important questions in the History of the Universe then I really am a prodigy.
Here is the list:
1. What Makes No. 2 Pencils So Darn Special?
2. Who's That AOL Guy Who Eerily Knows When You've Got Mail?
3. Where Does Nougat Come From?
4. Is There One Move That's More Likely to Win a Game of Rock-Paper-Scissors?
5. Which Came First, the Can Opener or the Can?
6. How Does a Word Become a Curse Word?
7. Can a Pregnant Woman Drive in the Carpool Lane?
8. Why Do Battery Letters Skip from A to C? Was There Ever a B-Cell Battery?
9. What Does McDonald's Have in Common with the CIA?
10. Why Does Hawaii Have Interstate Highways?
Some other interesting questions from the list:
15. We Know Nothing Better Has Come Along Since then, But Who Invented Sliced Bread Anyway?
18. Why Can't You Tickle yourself?
20. Can You Actually Sense Weather with an Injured body Part?
Probably the most topical question from the list is:
17. Is It Possible to Own Property on the Moon?
If nothing in this blog has interested you today maybe you would like to check out something I'm pretty sure you have never seen before.
Pencil Sculptures, no not sculptures of pencils but sculptures using pencils.

You have to admit they are interesting.

I found this picture rating site, called 'The Prettiest Images', that take two pictures and asks you which is prettier. Then they post the findings and rank the pictures in order. A lot of pictures I have show in this blog are on the list. I thought I would share a few I have never seen before.



If you are here for great pictures you should check out this site.
That's all for today!!
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