06 July 2006
Sleepy Wednesday
Hello all,
The fourth of July was fun. Not the greatest ever but we fit in all the essentials; parade, Bar-B-Que, water fight, nap. I missed out on the traditional drive home after the fireworks and while trying not to fall asleep. oh well.
The power went out this morning giving me hope we may have to go home, that didn't happen either.
I did manage to surf a little....
I found this great photo of the days last minutes.

I need a camera.
I also found this great image of a spider web covered in rain.

I can't be the only person who enjoys great photographs.
I have been hearing a lot of buzz about the transformers movie that is coming out. As a kid I had a couple of these toys but they were so expensive I was really priced out of playing with them. Now as an adult I am priced out of playing with their real life counterparts. Oh well. Check out the 2009 Camaro.

This is transformer alter-ego 'bumblebee'.

I found another cool example of urban advertising.

This is a cool optical illusion. Which of these bars are larger?

Neither, that's why it is an optical illusion. Don't believe me, watch this.
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I promise that I don't plan out the things I find on the internet. I may lay off the 'sick things that happens to humans' after this. But....

This guy is holding a piece of his own skull.
Coming soon to Ogden -
Literal surfing
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I was going to post some link to video from a Japanese Game show but they will have to wait until tomorrow.
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