14 June 2006
My office usually closes during the summer at noon on Fridays. The only exception is when there is a lot of work to get done. They say, "If one person stays we all stay." In my case, however, If I stay everyone else leaves and if someone else stays I stay. I really isn't fair but I cannot convince my boss otherwise.
Anyway... I went surfing today,
I found this sweet car

It's called a Bugatti Veyron
Price: $1.3 million
16 cylinder engine -- the Bugatti can go from 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds and reach top speeds of 253 mph. Its reality was doubted by many when the Veyron was proposed as a concept by top execs at VW, but the car is indeed in production.
Can you lend me some money?
I came across this new type of art a couple weeks ago. I stunbled onto it again today. The art is based on one perspection or position. When you change your position the art is not what is seemed.

Can you see the red line? this is something you can easily do with any photo editor. However, this was not done on a computer.

The red line only lines up when you stand in one place otherwise it ends up mess of disconnected lines.

Cool Huh!
For a follow up to yesterday the NY Post ran a cover story about the man whose house blew up.

Anyway... I went surfing today,
I found this sweet car

It's called a Bugatti Veyron
Price: $1.3 million

16 cylinder engine -- the Bugatti can go from 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds and reach top speeds of 253 mph. Its reality was doubted by many when the Veyron was proposed as a concept by top execs at VW, but the car is indeed in production.
Can you lend me some money?
I came across this new type of art a couple weeks ago. I stunbled onto it again today. The art is based on one perspection or position. When you change your position the art is not what is seemed.

Can you see the red line? this is something you can easily do with any photo editor. However, this was not done on a computer.

The red line only lines up when you stand in one place otherwise it ends up mess of disconnected lines.

Cool Huh!
For a follow up to yesterday the NY Post ran a cover story about the man whose house blew up.

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